Contact Phones

Costa Rica

If you are ready, let’s begin!

To unlock the revenue potential of your property

Fill up the form or give us a call +506 4001 7923

How does it work?

We find short-term guests using online travel agencies

Take care of the guests

Coordinate maintenance

Owner enjoys passive income

What are the benefits?

More Revenue

Do you know how to sell more? Our team applies proven techniques that will allow you to increase your revenue by 30% using platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, and

Less Effort

We take care of everything, enjoy your time and sleep well knowing that a team with worldwide experience, is taking care of the professional management of your property.

No Up-Front Costs

There is no entry fee to be able to work with us. If you win, we win. We are confident in what we do so we work exclusively on commission.

Are you ready to make your property more profitable?

Let us help you grow your income and unlock the potential of your property.